Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 25

Bianca was the best kid today! She primed and painted the entire exterior of the garage with a little help from Sammy. Sammy was not too thrilled about being on brush pile duty, but it had to be done. Town brush pick up is a week from Monday and I wanted to be sure it was out there EARLY. The neighbor keeps complaining to Mark about his fire pit so we just had everyone focus on the brush pile and get it tied up and out front ready for the claw and dump truck. Nicolas worked on breaking up the asphalt that they had around a tree in the back yard. Why they did this we are not sure. Back breaking work! Mark took down a couple trees which added to the pile but everything was cut up by Mark. I raked the entire day, just moving the pile together and closer to the driveway. Sam and Nolan did the bulk of the moving; after Sam went to work Tiffy got out of work and jumped in where Sam left off. Watch in the pictures below where Bianca paints and you'll see the first coat of color go on. Stormy Night is the color. Then you will also see the brush pile disappear throughout the day.

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