Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 24

Now that the first floor is nearly gutted the dumpster is full! And then Nolan just HAD to mess with the mechanism that keeps it shut.... you just know what happened.... the back of the dumpster came OPEN and all the walls and blown in insulation came pouring out. And Nolan cleaned it up himself. He required Nicolas to get the heavy door closed again. It did take him all afternoon, but he cleaned it all up. Lesson learned: when Mom says, "Don't touch it," ya probably should actually listen to the old girl. I used the borrowed power washer and started the outside and Mark did some more of it. Then Tiffany got ahold of it and really finished up! The front sidewalk was black and is now regular concrete. Amazing difference. Mark also did the inside of the Florida room. Tiffany used the shop vac and a screw driver to clean out the tracks on the sunroom. It is a really nice room! Bianca and Nolan were tired and took a little siesta in the truck.

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